Officially a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Woohoo today is graduation day from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and I am officially a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

What does this mean?

It means that I have completed an intensive, accelerated six month program to not only learn about different approaches to nutrition and the food on your plate but also something bigger than that. I’ve been leaning how to help guide on all other aspects of life that impact your wellness. 

This is something I know very well. Which is the reason I chose to do this program. Because for years and years I was so sick. (If you aren’t familiar with my story listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of my wellness journey on the Well2Podcast) And then I changed my diet. And for 2 years I did all the things that were supposed to finally get me healthy. Cut out dairy, gluten, soy, sugar, corn and alcohol. Drank all the lemon water. Took all the supplements. And while these helped, they didn’t have the transformative effect I was hoping for. I was still losing weight. Unbalanced hormones. Losing hair. And so very broken and unhappy.

That was until I left my toxic career.  A career that for 15 years I had poured my blood, sweat, tears, relationships and soul into. And even though I liked what I did, it depleted me. And I know now it’s because my calling was elsewhere. It wasn’t until I finally made that leap, followed my passion, found my joy, had time to build a social life, invested in my relationships, got in touch with my creativity and so much more that I transformed into the me you see today. A woman who is more secure and strong than ever and on a quest to help others find strength, confidence and joy. 

You see the food I ate (what we call secondary food) was only part of it. To find true health and wellness it takes a balance of all the other stuff too (what we call primary food). 

I am sooooo excited to share more about this and help you all in so many more ways in addition to strength your body

This is what Conscious Core has been building towards since it’s inception.

Core Strength. Core Nourishment. Core Purpose. 

Eeeeek!!!!!! Thank you for being a part of my journey!

XO -



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