8 tips to “create” time for exercise

Time. It seems to be the thing all us moms are lacking to take care of our bodies. Whether that’s to exercise, make a healthy meal or take a moment to pause.

We all live in a perpetual state of busy without ever feeling like we are making it anywhere. But the things we are busy with aren’t always the most important things.

When I asked my IG followers “what’s the biggest thing you struggle with when it comes to exercises as a mom?”, the number one answer was TIME. And while I can’t literally give you time I do have some tips to make it feel like you have more time to exercises.

  1. Prioritize it. The difference between people who make it happen and don’t is that it is a priority for them. It’s not optional. If it’s truly important to you, you’ll find the time.

  2. Free up space on the to do list. Do a time spent assessment. (Nothing fancy just notice what you are spending your precious time on) Offload, remove or reduce time spent on the tasks that you put there because you feel like they should be there or that are unproductive.

  3. Schedule it. I know it’s hard to hold yourself accountable (see point 1) but put it IN your calendar, set an alarm, treat yourself like an appt. I actually put myself onto my own schedule 2 days each week.

  4. Change your perspective that it’s not a chore but a gift that you get to provide to yourself that makes you feel great afterwards. It has to be a mindset shift or else it will always feel like one more thing you are trying to fit in.

  5. Don’t waste your time on “quick fixes”. Quick fixes ultimately take as much time as slow and steady. The difference is one you will always be chasing and the other provides sustainable strength and wellness.

  6. Break it down into smaller chunks. You don’t have to find an hour everyday to go to the gym. Your body and home ARE a gym! Start with 10 mins of some pilates mat work on the floor of your bedroom. Do a short low impact standing sequence with Bala bands in the living room while dinner is cooking. 

  7. Find something that you actually love and fills your bucket. I love Pilates so I’m more apt to make the time for that. I hate running so that will never be something I make time for. Whatever it is that brings you joy in movement do that. Don’t do exercises that feel like punishment. Unless you like that 😜

  8. Recognize that there will always be competing demands for your time and energy, a routine isn’t created in a day, and we all have set backs. But set backs aren’t failure. Acknowledge this and keep moving forward.

What’s your favorite tip? Will you give it a try?


Officially a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach


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