5 Ways to Sneak a Workout Out of your Daily Activities

This time of year can be so overwhelming and the thought of finding time to do a dedicated workout can be so daunting. So daunting in fact that you just don’t do it all. Believe me I know.

But I have this a really cool secret that I share with all my clients who are short on time.

Turn your daily activities into a workout!

PLUS your daily activities are functional so you are training that important strength up at the same time!  


Do you know what I mean by functional? If you do it will give you a clue to how to sneak in your workouts into what you are already doing every day.


Functional movement is a movement you do in your everyday life while conducting your everyday tasks. For example, getting on and off the toilet is a squat. Picking up something from the floor is a hip hinge/deadlift or squat. Turning your body while driving is rotation. Sitting up out of bed in the middle of the night is a roll-up.


So in any fitness program you should be building these functional skills anyways, and also being sure not to avoid any of them. I hear a lot of women who have diastasis told not to rotate. Well, that’s silly, we rotate our bodies every day. So instead of avoiding the movement we need to learn how to do it safely. And also, completely avoiding a movement that the body is designed to do can cause other issues.


This is one of my favorite things to focus on for soon-to-be and new moms because the demands our bodies have to endure in what we do every day in motherhood are many. But also, it’s an easy way to make what you are doing anyways into a workout! 

 So here are some simple exercises to make your everyday movements work a little harder for you.

  1. Deep Squats (reach sit bones back, don't tuck butt)

    • While dinner is cooking or you are helping the kids with homework light up those glutes and stretch your pelvic floor with deep squats at the counter or dining table. 

    • 💪Everyday movement these supports are: sitting down, standing up from the floor, picking up children or heavy items, great for lengthening your pelvic floor too!

  2. Lunges

    • While vaccuming, emptying the dishwasher or cleaning up toys spend a little extra time to do some lunges. It doesn’t take a lot to get your legs to start feeling the burn.

    • 💪Everyday movement this supports are: getting up from the floor, walking and running, climbing stairs, lifting children

  3. Hip Hinge/Deadlift (Don’t bend the spine. Keep back flat and knees soft)

    • I’m sure you are cleaning up and lifting alllll the things right now as your kids are about to be on winter break and destroying everything in sight right before you have people coming over. So use that clean-up time to do some hip-hinging and deadlifts. Add some weight (full laundry basket) for an extra challenge!

    • 💪Everyday movement this supports is: picking up anything

  4. Step-ups: Start on a small step then progress to something taller. Don’t use momentum or let hip jut to the side. (see in the video that my hip shifts and my knee collapses in. Time to work on some inner thigh and outer hip strength!)

    • Have some stairs in your house or on your front porch. Hang out there a few minutes longer to do some step-ups.

    • 💪Everyday movement this supports are: climbing stairs, walking, running

  5. Bicep Curls

    • Moving presents from hiding to the wrapping room, thawing a ham, stocking the wine fridge. Turn these moment into a chance to sneak in some bicep curls. Better yet, keep your elbows high and away from your body for an added challenge. 

    • 💪Everyday movement this supports are: pushing yourself up, picking up anything, carrying a baby/carseat, bringing in groceries. 

Not pictured: 

  • Belly hugs while brushing your teeth or styling your hair

  • Ab curls before getting out of bed in the morning (make sure you are activating your core properly. Flat and wide not puffed up in the center)

  • Spine movements in all directions while showering (Extension, rotation, side-bends, roll-downs)

Make these movement work for you and get your daily workout in anytime any place. 




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